Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Clinic in Puri

The team left on time for Puri, but arrived late due to a tragic car and motorcycle accident. The road to Puri was long, but the good hearts and spirits of the team made it an enjoyable trip.

Puri was quite an experience. The people there are more poor and more desperate than we have seen in our clinics thus far. There were so very many children who needed our help and care. We distributed all of the vitamins, toothbrushes and glasses that we had allocated for the day. We went through many bottles and pills to treat infections, skin problems, fevers and pain.

We worked in two locales. One at a church and the other at a school. Both facilities had no overhead lights, but had fans and windows where we setup our stations. Crowd control was challenging, but our administrators were resourceful and ensured that the people received the care and treatment that they needed.

Pray that the people of the village, especially the children, remember and understand our instructions about using the medicines and advice.

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