Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Preparing for service in Bangalore

On Tuesday night, the team discussed our preparations for meeting the needs of the people here. We will be working in the slums of Bangalore. Tuberculosis is prevalent and is amongst many diseases that we will see amongst the people.

Pray for strength and stamina for our team. Crowd control will be important.

Pray for wisdom. Our teams will be in separate physical locations (the first time we have done this on this trip) and our work will be more independent. Our supplies will be dependent on what we bring and we need to anticipate what we need as we will not be able to share with our other teams while on site.

Pray for supplies. It may be that we need miracles in providing what we need to those who need it most.

Pray for our teams. We need excellence in communication, temperament, and professionalism. We need more kindness and thoughtfulness and respect for each other and our leadership.

Pray that we do what we came to do: serve the Lord and glorify Him in all of our actions and words.

Photos from Puri

Travel Day: Bhubaneswar to Bangalore

Today we traveled from Bhubaneswar to Bangalore. We started the day on time, all bags, supplied, packed and ready at 10 a.m. We arrived at the Bhubaneswar airport with all of our belongings and persons quite early as our flight was delayed by nearly one hour.

Some of our team had to carry their water bottle through security to ensure that they drank it before getting on the airplane. Others had to prove that their batteries would not be used for nefarious purposes. But all in all the team made it the without any real difficulties.

We arrived in Bangalore with palates burned by the Kingfisher lunch. Then we waited briefly for our bags and were greeted by the hotel staff. We boarded the bus and stuffed our luggage into the nooks and crannies and went to the hotel.

Dinner was served promptly at 7 p.m. But some of our team had enjoyed a shopping break in the city.

The noises of the city are rising as the people of Bangalore come out for the cool and breezy night.

The Clinic in Puri

The team left on time for Puri, but arrived late due to a tragic car and motorcycle accident. The road to Puri was long, but the good hearts and spirits of the team made it an enjoyable trip.

Puri was quite an experience. The people there are more poor and more desperate than we have seen in our clinics thus far. There were so very many children who needed our help and care. We distributed all of the vitamins, toothbrushes and glasses that we had allocated for the day. We went through many bottles and pills to treat infections, skin problems, fevers and pain.

We worked in two locales. One at a church and the other at a school. Both facilities had no overhead lights, but had fans and windows where we setup our stations. Crowd control was challenging, but our administrators were resourceful and ensured that the people received the care and treatment that they needed.

Pray that the people of the village, especially the children, remember and understand our instructions about using the medicines and advice.