Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mission Complete!

Another amazing year of Joy India ministry comes to a close. It is always sad to say goodbye to India, our local friends, our ministry partners and our fellow Joy India team members after this awesome experience.

In many ways it is like fighting in battle together, side by side in the trenches, sometimes nursing each other back to health, carrying supplies to others when they run low, offering encouraging words when needed while all serving jointly in a tremendous cause that is much greater than ourselves.

Once again this year we had an incredible team. It was a delight to renew old friendships and make many new ones as well. We had a hilarious time serving, working, eating (and even shopping) together over these few weeks. God really blessed our fellowship!

God’s power was seen and felt in many ways during these days of ministry. As Joy India team members we were privileged to be a part of God’s work in a Hindu temple in Delhi, in a fishing village near Puri, a YMCA in Bhubaneswar, an orphanage in Bangalore and many other areas of great need. Whether ministering to pastors in Orissa & Karnataka or patients in every medical clinic, God enabled us to impact the lives of literally thousands of the precious people of India.

Thank you for your prayer support, financial support and for your encouragement. We look forward to what God has in store for the next mission of Joy India.

Photo Recap of Bangalore clinics and Revival services

Below are photo links to the final few days of Medical clinics and to the Revival services lead by Larry Walker.

First day of Bangalore clinics

Second day of Bangalore clinics

Larry Walker evening Revival services